Nutrano Produce Group is set to achieve another milestone with their Delite mandarin program following a successful 2019 domestic season that achieved record sales. A strategic partnership with leading global citrus company Sunkist will see USA Delite mandarins available on shelves in Australia until locally grown mandarins are available early April. Californian-grown Delite mandarins landed in Woolworths stores in Queensland and New South Wales last week and will roll out nationally next week.
Nutrano Produce Group is proud to be the exclusive marketer of the popular Delite seedless mandarins here in Australia. “Last year we saw a bumper crop from across our grower pool achieving record sales growth since launching 8 years ago.” says Mr Simon Raj – General of Sales at Nutrano Produce Group.
“Delite mandarins have become a household favourite for lunchboxes and a convenient, healthy choice for snacking. The amount of positive feedback from our loyal Delite consumers via our social and digital channels has been overwhelming. A lot of care and passion goes into growing Delite mandarins and it’s great to hear that consumers love our Delite mandarins.” says Mr Raj.
“To support the growing global demand for seedless mandarins, Nutrano Produce Group have made a number of investments across its farming operation, including netting in VIC and WA to help minimise cross-pollination. Trials are also underway in Central Burnett, QLD to ensure quality and taste of newly planted trees achieves the strict Delite specification for seed count and brix level. If we are successful, this will extend the Australian Delite season together with the USA imports to achieve a 12-month supply window for Delite mandarins.”
“Just like our farms here in Australia, California offers the perfect growing conditions for delicious mandarins. This year, the growers in sunny California experienced a healthy amount of cool nights which has helped to develop good coloured fruit that is firm and exceptionally juicy. Customers can look forward to great tasting Delite mandarins that are sweet, seedless and easy to peel” says Mr Raj.
Delite mandarins are available for a limited time only and exclusive to Woolworths stores. Look for the vibrant orange mandarins with the blue Delite stickers.
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